Download for free Digital Metadatuouch for Windows PC. Microsoft Office Documents (Word, Excel and PowerPoint), LibreOffice® Documents, PDFS, JPEG, JPEG, JPEG, JPEG 2000, AVI, AVI, AVI, MP3, MP3 MP4, F4V, WAV, AIFF, PNG, SVG, APC, MPC, Files Ofr, WV, YES and XMP. The user is an authorizing editing of key fields of metadata documents, such as the number of versions and the total edition time – Howiech often remains unambiguous thanks to standard programs. What’s more, it facilitates user -friendly interface provides PDF files, multimedia files, etc. Various tools. Metadata, process improvement and reduce dependencies.
Export and import templates h3>
Settings of many files. Metadata in metadata management. Users of the standard edition for browsing and editing metadata Operating system : Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7
processor : minimum 1 GHz processor (recommended 2.4 GHz recommended)
- RAM : 2 GB (4 GB or more recommended)
Application h3>
Metadatatuouch is a powerful and user -friendly tool for browsing and editing metadata in various types of files. Possibilities and support for exporting. You manage metadata for Microsoft Office documents, multimedia files or other formats, offers a comprehensive solution that simplifies the enancers process and performance. Thanks to two editions that satisfy various user preferences, this tool ensures flexibility and convenience in managing metadata
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